Frequently Asked Questions – Construction

Construction of the Project began in the Summer of 2020 when MTO initiated site preparation work and installation of environmental protection measures.  Work by EDCO will begin in February 2021.

The project is scheduled to be complete in 2025.

EDCO will minimize impacts to traffic to the extent possible and maximize the safety of the travelling public throughout the construction work zone.  During peak traffic hours, six lanes will be maintained on mainline QEW, as per existing conditions.  Advanced notification of all temporary closures and lane reductions will be provided through the Project website and as E-Blasts to everyone on our Contact List. Click here to sign up to our Contact List and receive advance notification of all closures. Please drive in accordance to the conditions, stay alert and keep a safe distance from the vehicles in front.

The public will be notified of closures through the following methods:

  1. Signage in advance of and during closures;
  2. Postings in the Traffic section on the project website:
  3. Email notices to the study’s Contact List.

Lanes are closed for a variety of reasons, such as when work is taking place, when workers gather materials and are preparing to enter to the work zone, or for safety reasons.

Westbound Lane Closures start at 11:00 pm and run until 6:00 am nightly; on weekends, they run until 7:00 am on Saturdays and 8:00 am on Sundays. Eastbound lane closures start at 10:00 pm and run until 5:00 am nightly; on weekends, they run until 7:00 am on Saturdays, and 8:00 am on Sundays.

As a result of the widening of the QEW to accommodate the new Credit River Bridge, Premium Way will be realigned to the north between Lynchmere Ave and Dickson Road. Additional work along Premium Way will include relocating existing utilities, replacement of culverts and resurfacing of pavement. During construction, temporary closures will occur along Premium Way.

Clearing is the first stage of any construction project.  This will be one of the first activities to take place, and trees will be cleared in order to widen the highway. Trees will be cleared outside of nesting season to mitigate impacts to migratory birds. Otherwise, trees will be reviewed by an Avian Biologist prior to removal to verify the presence of any active nesting.

EDCO will be developing a detailed landscape plan as part of the project’s detail design and completing all required site restoration following construction.